Tag Archives: vegetables

Roasted parmesan asparagus with sunny eggs

Oh yum. This dinner was amazing! If you’re trying to eat low-carb and are out of lean protein, give this hearty meal a try. Cracking the runny eggs and letting the yolk make a rich sauce is simply perfection! I’ll be making this a lot… especially since it is so versatile and cost about $3.

Carrots (or whatever veggies you have around)
1 tbsp. olive oil
Salt and pepper
Parmesan cheese
Two eggs

Heat your oven to 350. In a baking dish, toss veggies with oil, salt and pepper and roast for 25 minutes. Pull them out and sprinkle with parmesan cheese. Then put the oven on broil and put the dish back in for 5 minutes or until the cheese is bubbling. In the meantime, heat up a pan and cook your eggs sunny side up. Put the veggies on a plate and add the eggs. 


Healthy coconut chicken curry

This is my first time cooking a curry, and it’s so easy! It’s pretty much just a stir fry with curry paste. Yum. For this curry, I cut the calories by using half the coconut milk and replacing the other cup with chicken broth. Obviously, it’d be a bit thicker and more substantial if you use all the coconut milk. It’s spicy, unctuous, and I’m super excited for the next few dinners and lunches!

1 raw boneless skinless chicken breast, cut in chunks
Green beans
A few cherry tomatoes  
2 tbsp. red curry paste (I bought the spicy kind)
1 cup coconut milk
1 cup chicken broth
Salt, pepper, garlic powder
Olive oil

Chop the veggies and sauté them in about 2 tbsp. olive oil on medium heat. Once they soften, throw in the chicken and let it brown a bit. Then, pour in the coconut milk, chicken broth, stir in the red curry paste and turn the heat up so the concoction is boiling. Season with chopped basil, salt, pepper and garlic to taste. Let it simmer until the concoction has reduced by a third. And that’s that.

Snakes for dinner

What. Did. I. Just. Eat.

Snakes? Worms? Jump rope? Seriously, I had no idea. I picked up these weird purple beans at the farmer’s market. I steamed them, and honestly they weren’t my favorite. Like string beans but chewier, grittier, starchier with a bit of a radish-like bitterness. Weird. Not terrible. Probably won’t buy again. But… cool? 

After I ate the veggie snakes, I looked up what they were. (Safe, right?) Apparently they’re Thai purple podded yard long beans.


Obviously, I topped the beans with a stuffed pepper. It was delicious. The end.

(Also, I’m watching TV and apparently now Burger King sells a $1 burger with french fries on top. America.)